速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Alice in Wonderland for children by Stor

Alice in Wonderland for children by Stor


檔案大小:56.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語

Alice in Wonderland for children by Story Time(圖1)-速報App

Alice, a little girl, while strolling along a garden one day, falls down a hole, following a speaking rabbit. Down the hole, she arrives in an uncanny place where she comes across various strange, talking animals like the cheshire cat, the march hare, and the madman named Hatter. She faces certain strange circumstances.What happens next? Will she be able to find her way back home? What adventures are about to come in her way?

Let’s take a journey to this strange land, let’s meet these creatures and let’s all be a part of the stupidest tea party ever..!

Discover all these and much more with this interactive, bright and colourful illustration of Story Time. With original music and sound and wonderful effects, the story gets a new life.The story now comes with in-built fun activities like the Tunnel Activity, the Key activity and guess what? You can also make tea and join the Mad Hatter's party!


- Original music and sound

- Exuberant colourful illustrations

- Interactive story-telling with impeccable effects

Alice in Wonderland for children by Story Time(圖2)-速報App

- 22 pages for kids to enjoy

- Interesting activities like spot the difference, colouring game and card designing

- Audio on/off

- Graphics and animation adapted for children

- Text highlighting and brilliant narration

-Pop-up texts for the dialogue of each character

The tale is sure to give a memorable experience to its readers.

Alice in Wonderland for children by Story Time(圖3)-速報App

A never miss!

Alice in Wonderland for children by Story Time(圖4)-速報App
